Check out more resources on intuitive movement, wellness, and motherhood in our blogs below.
Intuitive Eating with Hannah Pfohl
Intuitive eating with Hannah Pfohl of Mind Belly Soul Nutrition
Hatch x Motion Melissa
Check out my recent workshop in partnership with Hatch Collection — “Intuitive Movement for Mamas”!
Bumpdate Feature
Read my feature on the Bumpdate app blog! “Too Healthy: A Personal Trainer’s Journey to Motherhood”
Intuitive Movement
At Motion Melissa, intuitive movement works both ways. As your guides, we use our own intuition to “read” your body and design optimal movement patterns just for you. As our student, we teach you to tap into your own intuition and learn to move in tune with what your body truly needs. This is the key to cultivating a healthy lifelong relationship with exercise and your body.
Dear Fitness Community
It’s NEDA week, so let’s take this opportunity to talk. Eating disorders kill. They have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. And yet, the fitness industry continues to sell and celebrate disordered relationships with food and exercise.
Positive Energy At Home
Check out my expert tips for bringing positive energy into your home, recently featured on the Redfin Blog.
Podcast Feature
I was recently honored to be featured on the Entering Motherhood podcast with Sarah Marie Bilger. We discussed my mama hood journey with PCOS, Factor V Leiden, a breech baby, and intuitive movement.
Raising an Intuitive Eater
Eating disorders have genetic AND environmental links. It’s so important to me that I raise Grace in an environment that is anti-diet culture and pro-body positive.
What are some key ways we can prevent creating an environment that fosters disordered eating in our kids?
2010 vs. 2020
2010 vs. 2020 — which life would you choose?! The choice looks pretty clear to me.
Ditch Weight Loss Mentality
Weight loss is the most common thing new clients mention when I ask about why they want to work with a personal trainer. I hear it from all women, regardless of their size. Why is it that we, as women, constantly strive to be smaller? To shrink and take up less space?
Fitness Freedom
It is time to stop associating workouts with weight loss. It is time to stop punishing ourselves with exercise. It is time to find fitness freedom! Simply put, intuitive movement is the practice of moving WITH your body instead of AGAINST it.