Intuitive Movement

At Motion Melissa we use intuitive movement to help you #findyourmotion!

So, what does that mean? Let me explain.

Intuition is a natural gift we all have inside of us. It is that internal voice that guides you to be true to yourself and offers clarity when you are seeking answers. In particular, it can be a powerful tool in helping us better understand our health and what our body truly needs to achieve optimal wellbeing.

We all have the capacity to tap into this gift. The problem is that, for many of us, we don’t know how to pay attention. The distractions of the outside world, others’ opinions and suggestions, the hustle and bustle of our busy lives – it all disconnects us from the true needs and desires of our mind, body, and spirit. But, with a little dedication and time, it is possible to quiet these outside noises and tune into your inner voice. Once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much your intuition can help guide you to optimal health and happiness!

Intuitive movement is the practice of moving with your body instead of against it. It is learning to tune into your body’s unique needs and understand what it truly craves through conscious movement and breathwork. Being connected to your intuition in this way can help you feel your best, achieve optimal results, and avoid injury. When you can quiet the outside noise of comparison to others, trendy workouts, and diet crazes, and instead listen to your intuition, your body is able to naturally nourish and heal itself through movement.

During exercise, practice mindfulness. Breath with each movement. Notice how your body and mind feels with each movement and workout. What truly feels good in your body? Do that.

At Motion Melissa, intuitive movement works both ways. As your guides, we use our own intuition to “read” your body and design optimal movement patterns just for you. As our student, we teach you to tap into your own intuition and learn to move in tune with what you truly needs. This dual direction practice of intuitive movement is the key to cultivating a healthy lifelong relationship with exercise and your body.

Start your journey with my FREE Intro to Intuitive Movement Program on Motion Studio. This easy-to-follow collection of introductory videos will kickstart your intuitive movement journey and leave you feeling more connected to your mind and body.

If you are looking for one-on-one, personalized guidance contact us here for a FREE 15-minute consultation.


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