Don't Just Kegel!

Training your pelvic floor is super important, especially during & after pregnancy. So how do you properly train your PF? Hint: the solution is not “just do kegels”!

Kegels are usually described as “squeezing the muscles used to stop the flow of urine.” The problem with this is twofold:

(1) Your pee-stopping muscles are only the FRONT of your PF, but we can’t forget about the other attachment points (BACK & SIDES)!

(2) A focus on “squeezing” can cause more harm than good. Like any other muscles in the body, your PF needs to be trained through a FULL RANGE OF MOTION for optimal strength, flexibility, & function.

This is why many women who can perform “strong kegels” still experience dysfunction or worsen with continued practice. A “strong” front PF can be tight, causing imbalance & weakness elsewhere.

So how do you properly train your pelvic floor?

Start by visualizing the anatomy— PF muscles attach to your pubic bone at the FRONT, your tailbone at the BACK, and your sit bones on the SIDES. To properly engage the ENTIRE pelvic floor, you must draw ALL 4 attachment points TOGETHER & UP.

Then, it is equally important to RELAX the muscles all the way back down to the starting position.

Link this with 360 breathing. Inhale before starting, exhale to engage together and up, inhale to release & relax fully.

Still confused or want to learn more? Message me to book your FREE consult.


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